Ladies talk to their girlfriends about every little thing. Have always been I right, girls? There’s no subject off-limits, and there aren’t sufficient several hours during the day to share with you all the stuff going on inside our everyday everyday lives. It isn’t surprising, then, that individuals seek counsel your closest pals in your […]
Monthly Archives: Tháng Sáu 2023
The implementation of a conversational interface revolves around one thing – the purpose of its use. The biggest benefit from this kind of conversational UI is maintaining a presence throughout multiple platforms and facilitating customer engagement through a less formal approach. The results can be presented in a conversational manner (such as reading out loud […]
Generative AI
Article: The potential of chatbots in travel and tourism services in the context of social distancing Journal: International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning IJTIP 2021 Vol 13 No.1 pp.63 83 Abstract: As many other sectors, the travel and tourism industries faced great challenges following the 2019 2020 health pandemic, with confinements and border closures bringing travel to a halt. Although research exploring the impact of the health crisis is increasing, prior work investigating the potential of emerging technologies to mitigate the negative consequences remains scarce. The purpose of the current paper is to examine tourists’ chatbot usage intentions in service encounters within the context of a future international travel, assuming continued social distancing. Our results indicate that automation, habit, social presence and health consciousness all contributed positively to chatbot usage intentions. Further variations were observed as a function of experiencing government-imposed lockdown. The role of social presence and human qualities in chatbots was weakened when controlling for lockdown and during the trip experience. Finally, the impact of health consciousness on use intentions was most pronounced during the travel stage. Inderscience Publishers linking academia, business and industry through research
Artificial Intelligence in Tourism WAM The data science team at Airbnb analyses over 11 petabytes of data to predict host-guest matches and improve service levels. Now that we’ve covered the key areas where technology has made significant advancements in the travel industry, it’s time to delve into the three key trends shaping its future. The […]